The Atlantic Wreck Divers meet at 7pm at the Rams Head Tavern in Savage Maryland on the second Wednesday of the month from spring until fall (approximately March to October).
Meetings during the fall and winter are sporadic, so contact Karen Flynn ( to be added to the AWD meeting email notification list.
Meetings consist of a review of activities and dive sign-ups.
The meeting will conduct sign-ups for the next two months after
the meeting. As an example - the April meeting opens the May
and June dives for initial sign-ups, the May meeting fills any
available May/June spots and opens the July dives for initial
Guests are welcome. Meetings are a very casual affair conducted
over drinks and dinner. The club does not schedule speakers as
part of our regular meetings.
For more information on how to get to the Rams Head Tavern, see
their web page: